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Our story

Oatis was started with a simple goal:
make great oat milk and do no harm.

Introducing Oatis Organic Oatmilk – where sustainability meets compassion in a big way! Meet the dynamic trio behind it all: Justin, Dee, and the Boss Dog himself, Rory. Oatis is more than just oat milk; it's a commitment to making our world cleaner, kinder, and greener. While Justin juggles a day job with farmers' market gigs, Dee steers the daily operations towards excellence. And Rory? Well, he's all about looking out for his bovine buddies!

Our journey began with Dee's decision to ditch the booze and embrace a greener lifestyle, leading us down the path of veganism and environmental science. That's when Oatis stepped in – offering a dairy-free, cruelty-free alternative that's as good for the planet as it is for your taste buds. With our love for animals driving us forward, we set sail on this adventure.

But hey, it's not all about oat milk and business meetings! When we're not busy spreading the oat milk love, we revel in off-road motorcycle adventures, hitting the diamond for some coed softball fun, or pitching tents under the stars for a camping extravaganza. We're all about living life to the fullest while making a positive impact, and we'd love for you to join us on this wild ride with Oatis Organic Oatmilk. Let's make dreams happen, one oat at a time!

For whichever of your passions draws you to us, we’re glad you’re here.


☑️ No animals harmed

Choosing vegan dairy alternatives like Oatis means choosing to support the well-being of animals

☑️ No packaging in the landfill

Oatis is produced and delivered exclusively in sanitized, re-used glass bottles

☑️ Shop local

We make all of our oatmilk right here in Colorado using high-quality ingredients